Adoration of the Eucharist
Monday evenings from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, gather int he Church to pray together, both formally and in silence, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls grades 3 or higher are invited to this ministry. An altar server is an assistant to the priest during Mass and other liturgies. Servers are also needed for weddings and funerals.
New servers receive an initial training. Ongoing ‘refresher’ opportunities are offered. Altar Server Notes Altar Server Training February 1st, 2023 Registration form
Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic ministers assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. The ministry is founded on a deep understanding of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. This ministry is open to fully initiated parishioners who are at least 16 years of age. Eucharistic ministers are scheduled on a rotation basis.
New Eucharistic ministers receive three hours of initial training.
Gift Bearers – Procession with the Gifts
The procession symbolizes the fact that the gifts, the bread and wine, and the offertory basket, come from the people. The gifts represent us, and the people who bring them to the altar emphasize the fact that “we” the congregation are asking Msgr. Terry to take these gifts and to offer them to God in our name. The procession from the very rear of the Church demonstrates that everyone from the last pew to the first is included. If you wish to represent your parish in this way, please see Sr. Bernie at least ten minutes before Mass.
This is the ministry that presents the welcoming face of Holy Family Parish. It is a simple and uncomplicated activity of welcoming those who enter the church for our weekend Masses. All that is required is a willingness to say hello and greet fellow parishioners and visitors in a friendly way. By joining this ministry as an individual or a family, you can add to the warmth and welcoming spirit of our parish.
Children Liturgy of the Word (CLW)
The leader of the liturgy of the word for children in grades 1 through 4 presides over the Word portion of Sunday worship at the 11:00 am Mass in the Holy Family Room. Current CLW Teams Schedule
Music Ministries – Choir Information
Music ministry is a living, vital part of our celebrations at Holy Family. Each individual breathes their own life and prayer into the music that we sing. The choir welcomes all who have a desire to sing in the traditional 4-part harmony. The choir is open to all members of the Parish, including children who can read and can be independent during Mass.
Men and women of at least high school age are welcome to assist at Mass in this ministry. Ushers assist with seating; organize the collection at the time of the preparation of the gifts; distribute bulletins; and tidy up the church after the liturgy.